Kleng Meedercher, Risen Iddien

Thursday, November 09, 2006

The case of the missing file

Today I was sworn in (the big day). Now I can put 'esquire' at the end of my name. The coolest thing, however, is that I left a court file at my parents' house in McHenry, IL. I am totally prepared to practice law.

The ceremony was okay- actually kind of moving. One of the speakers was a woman my grandfather knows (not really sure of the exact connection). No sure if she realized he was there. Something fairly emabarassing happened, however. I did not wear a suit. In case anyone wants to know, always wear a suit when you are going to an attorney ceremony. Why I didnt think of this is way beyond me.

It was kind of weird seeing all my law school classmates (or rather, some of my law school classmates). I know I look different (okay fatter), which is somewhat embarassing. But hey - at least I dont actually have to live in Lake/Kane/DuPage/McHenry County. SEriously. That would suck.

Another weird thing that happened today was that I ran into someone I knew from highschool. It was weird only in that it has been years since I saw this guy and he looked the same - maybe slightly more substantial and maybe more wrinkled? I don't know. He seemsto be living this freewheeling life, ski/sail bum. And I'm a lawyer - which he seemed to pity me for; which contrasted nicely to my almost instinctual feeling of "oh, well hopefully you will get your life together before hitting thirty." Wonder if he is feeling any of the doubts I am feeling.

E 8:27 PM


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