Kleng Meedercher, Risen Iddien

Monday, November 20, 2006

Estoy cansado


My Costa Rican mama - Tati - would have me repeat that after her every morning when I would be yawning as I walked down the stairs. Her children and husband left the house at 6:30 - I got up at 7:15 and left at 8am. Tati didnt even allow me the same excuse that Mdme Grisoni did (that i am a hopeless, albeit pretty, lazy American) because she insisted that my "American-ness" was not the source of my laziness; she and her family are just as American as me.

So, I am still super excited about the foreign service exam. Although now I am just nervous about messing up on some silly administrative thing. Or what if I am not suitable? Oh dear. There always seems to be another thing to worry about. Why is that?

E 9:57 PM


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