Kleng Meedercher, Risen Iddien

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Gilmore Girls

This post should probably be prefaced with the fact that I do not have a TV in my apartment. I own one (two) but do not keep it in my apartment because 1) it would look ugly (unless I bought I flat screen, which I cannot afford); 2) I don't want to pay for cable; and 3) TV has a tendency to hypnotize me.

An illustration of TV's strange powers over me has been going on for the past few days. I bought Gilmore Girls on DVD (season 1) on Sunday. It is twenty two episodes. I have 5 left to watch (last night I did not get home until 7). Basically, for the past two days every moment spent in my apartment has been spent watching Gilmore Girls. I don't go to sleep until at least 2.

It's not that I love the series, or had even really watched it before. It was on sale at Borders, I wanted TV, so I bought it. Currently, I own Seinfeld (1), Sopranos (3), Sex and the City (2) and Gilmore Girls (1). None of these shows are my favorite (I don't think Food Network makes unwrapped DVDs), but I know more lines in them than is really healthy. Within a month, I will have an unholy knowledge of Gilmore Girls trivia.

Just in case anyone was wondering how I have been keeping myself busy since Sunday.

E 1:01 PM


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