Kleng Meedercher, Risen Iddien

Friday, December 08, 2006


Today I left work early to head up to Albany Park to start my medical clearance. That went smoothly, aside from the fact that the office staff (who are nice actually) lost my file. They drew blood (a lot) asked some questios and sent me to get some x rays. That was all fine.

My issue is that my doctor is kind of an odd bird. First, he made a comment under his breath when I told him I needed to get these tests and why. I wish I knew what he said --- it sounded like it might have been funny. Second, when I asked him for my for my normal prescription so I wouldnt have to trek up to the northwest tundra in another month, he made a comment about jail. It was weird of him. Third, when I was sitting outside of his private office having my blood taken he was on the phone with some patient having a detailed discussion about spermicide. He described the texture (thicker than the cream); how to use it (insert into vagina); and that if that is not something "she" is comfortable with, [anonymous patient] can always use a condom. He also informed the anonymous (and I am fairly certain male) patient that one could find spermicide in the "womens'" section of the drugstore. ("You know, where the ladies get certain things that they need from time to time.")

My question is who the hell needs to ask their doctor how to use spermicide. And what kind of doctor treats patients with such idiotic questions? Seriously.

And this is the man in charge of my health. Thank you blue cross blue shield.

Ciao - Ciao.
E 6:06 PM


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