Kleng Meedercher, Risen Iddien

Friday, January 26, 2007

Below Level Reading

Yesterday I started thinking about why I keep a lot of secrets. Partly, I think it's that I like being mysterious. It's kind of fun - even if I am usually not all that successful (it's kind of hard to be mysterious when a little excitment makes you go all rabid chipmunk-esque). Partly, and this is the part that worries me, it might be that there are just things that I don't like admitting. It's not that I am ashamed of most of these things (some of them, yes I probably have a bit of shame, let's just say it's the catholic in me).

On that note - I am going to own up to my deep and abiding love of below level reading. It might be one of my favorite past times. In case the term "below level reading" confuses anyone, here is an example. I love the Gossip Girl books. Love them. Not only are they trashy/chick lit (which is also below level, but at least is found in the adult section, not the childrens') but they are written for highschoolers. Time called them "Sex and the City for the younger set."
E 10:50 AM


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