Kleng Meedercher, Risen Iddien

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Blog Cog

There is a formatting issue with my blog that I would really like to resolve. Every time I make a new post there is a HUGE space between the subject line and the end. It bothers me - interrupts the symmetry of the whole page. Arg and rah both.

Also, the comments are re-enabled on the page. Just please, if you have nothing nice to say just say nothing, or I am going to un-enable them again.
E 2:23 PM | 0 comments |

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Fight Club

It would probably surprise most people to know how much time I spend thinking about the movie Fight Club. It actually surprises me, which is strange (is it normal to be surprised by one's own line of thought?). The reason it surprises me is mostly that there is no good reason for this particular movie to come into my head as often as it does. I haven't even seen it in at least three years.

(A certain unnamed upstairs neighbor borrowed it from me in undergrad ... I haven't seen it since. The reason this person is unnamed is because any three of the four girls who lived above me senior year could, conceivably, have been the one to borrow it.)

One of my favorite things about it is how you don't know that the narrator and Tyler Durden, whom he emulates and seems to idolize to some degree, are actually the same person. I like to thing that a crazy-brad pitt type may lurk beneath the exterior of the most generic office drone. In a truly bizarre twist of my line of thought, that prospect gives me hope that my future husband might actually be somewhat interesting. (Not that I am currently betrothed at all, let alone to some desperately boring twit with a possible inner psychopath.)

I also absolutely love the narrator's description of insomnia. "When you have insomnia, you're never really asleep... and you're never really awake." I always wonder if he had insomnia because of his inner brad pitt or if his personality split because he wasnt getting enough sleep. Probably the former, because it seemed that the reason for the split was that he was so repressed and generic for most of the time (even though I think Edward Norton is totally hot, and that his ability to be utterly plain is just a testament to his skill as an actor).

Probably a reason Tyler Durden and I would never work out is that when he gets insomnia he finds this crazy personality and acquires legions of minions who worship him and with whom he can fight. I, on the other hand, clean my apartment and paint my nails. And, I would prefer a clean apartment and no minions to legions of minions and that icky house that he lived in after he acquired them, which actually is probably the more obvious reason.

Well, maybe some minions would be cool. They could keep my apartment clean and make sure my cuticles remain in control (my cuticles are part of the reason why I really should wear gloves all the time). And, if a minion got nailpolish on my skin when painting my nails? They would sleep in the basement.
E 4:51 PM | 1 comments |