Kleng Meedercher, Risen Iddien

Friday, July 27, 2007

Internal Monologue

My last post got very off subject. It is a problem of mine, and may have to do with the fact that I have, what I like to call, a very rich inner life. I had originally wanted to discuss my newly discovered obsession with the series Heroes. However, since that post was written about a month ago, it's no longer newly discovered and I forgot a lot of what I was going to say. And I'm bored of it. I tried to watch it a couple of days ago, and it just didn't evoke the same kind of, well, obsession (although it may have been that I was just really not in the mood). So, I just really don't feel like writing about Heroes, except to say that I think I would REALLY be happy to have a super power (and as a young/not so young child truly believed that I could do magic, which I guess is a sort of super power).

The thing about shows like Heroes (and books like Harry Potter) is that it kind of exposes the very real likelihood that other people (adults) have internal monologues that might out debate my own. It's just a nice thing to know.
E 9:19 AM


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