Kleng Meedercher, Risen Iddien

Friday, November 23, 2007

Do you enjoy torturing your hair?

This is my favorite commercial. And, just to be clear, no I do not enjoy torturing my hair. I feel the same towards my blowdryer as I do towards my tweezers: compulsive and defeated.

There isnt a whole lot for me to blog about. My life has not been super exciting lately, which leaves me with very little to say. I am becoming the crossword queen and have these dreams that I confuse with either Gilmore Girls, House or Heroes. Some would say that I need to snap out of it. I, on the other hand, am enjoying being a crazy old lady at the age of twenty-six.

Right now I am in Florida. It's cold. On the upside, today I swam with the manatees in Crystal River. It was interesting ... I remember being more excited at the prospect when I was six and initially got the idea ... but the experience only lost some of the luster after twenty years. Or so I am hoping, otherwise I may be forced to make a maudlin commentary on life and aging.

On that uplifting note...
E 10:36 PM


are manatees slimy? I've always kind of wondered that (always = the past five minutes)
i like crosswords, too. about all i do nowadays is work, crosswords, knitting and guitar hero. blah!

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