Kleng Meedercher, Risen Iddien

Monday, December 10, 2007

Transpacific pain and my new life as a morning person

I left Hong Kong at 11:40 on Saturday morning - I arrived in Chicago at 11:49. Somehow in those nine minutes I experienced the most painful fifteen hours of my life.

Donna and I celebrated our last day in Hong Kong by indulging in two activities which I usually end up regretting for one reason or another: shopping and drinking (not at the same time - that is the worst combination and once resulted in the purchase of a gucci bag in lieu of non-convent food for a month). Hong Kong has amazing shopping, and not just the cheapo-markety-designer rip off kind one always hears about. The malls...oh the malls...they go on forever. There was a mall attached to our hotel. It contained two eight story express elevators. It was that tall. Sister ... have you visited "Sogo" the wonderful Japanese paradise that I encountered? This place was ten stories of Saks, Macy, Best Buy and Whole Foods all rolled into one. Awesome and regretful as only the best things can be.

Hong Kong also has some fabulous nightlife - if for no other reason than the amazing people watching. It occurs (primarily, I think) on a strip called "Lan Kwai Fong." Oh the people watching...oh the 80/20 male female ratio...oh the terrifyingly incomprehensible versions of english which abound...oh the alarming number of prostitutes... oh the decision that my future husband will never go to hong kong without me...

Oh the (six) lychee martinis (gin of course) ... oh how the word lychee is still making me feel slightly ill. Sometimes I forget that drinks are never free, even if one does not actually pay for them. The flight home was not fun.

The end.
E 11:52 AM


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