Kleng Meedercher, Risen Iddien

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Washington Post Horoscopes

One of my friends told me a couple of weeks ago that she checks her horoscope in the Washington Post every day. This is not a superstitious girl, but she insists that they get it right every time. I am a big fan of horoscopes. Whats not to like? They are always about me (something I love); they get me to think about me (something I usually love) and they usually make me think that something awesome is bound to happen to me (who doesn't love that?). My horoscope shows up everyday on my home page. (I haven't become a total flake, I also have my email, the weather, a map of current events, cool photos of cool places to visit, and a news feed from the Economist.) Since I heard about the Washington Post horoscopes, I have been looking at those on a daily basis as well. I have to say, my friends seems to be on to something. Those suckers are eerily on target! Not only do they make statements relevant to my life, they say accurate things about my personality. And, I am not sure if any of these things would apply to every other person in the world! Okay. Here is my horoscope, a la the Washington Post, for today:

Aquarius January 20 - February 18: For Thursday, June 12 -You should be bold to the point of obnoxiousness today -- no one is going to mind. In fact, certain people have been waiting for you to speak up and show a bit of your true self. You have been hiding a very bright light deep inside of you, and you need to let it shine now. Why let yourself get all hung up on personal issues or worry that someone will not like you? You can't be everyone's friend -- you can only be you, and let the chips fall where they may.

See? Right now I am debating whether or not I should start harassing a potential employer that I REALLY would like to hear from. I am ALSO debating whether or not I should harass my boss about giving me some more help on the job front. AND, I have a huge problem contacting people when I need to use them as references or to network...in fact I have been putting contacting a family friend who seemed to want to help me out for months.

See. The Washintong Post is the new Nostradamus.
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